Exporting Quotes to PDF

Exporting Quotes #

You can download multiples quotes as PDFs.

Downloading quotes as PDFs: #

  1. Go in the quotes section from the side menu on the left of your dashboard.
  2. Select one or multiples quotes by checking the checkbox next to each quote you wish to download.
  3. Click the button “Options” on the top right side of your dashboard.
  4. Select from the drop-down menu the “Export as PDF” option.
  5. A dialogue windows with path request to export the quotes will appear.
  6. Select the directory where to save the export of your quotes.

When downloading quotes as PDFs, please note that you won’t be able to download all of your quotes at the click of a button. In order to download PDF quotes, please navigate to Quotes, check the checkbox next to each quote you would like to download.

Please note: Depending on how many quotes you have, this process may take up to a few minutes, so make sure not to navigate away from this page.

(insert video from YouTube here)

For more information you can open a new ticket at support.lambda-it.me.

Or contact us with the contact form.