Invoices Panel Walk-through

Invoices Panel Walk-through #

In the Invoices Section From Top to Bottom:

You can access the invoices section from the side menu on the left of your dashboard by selecting the “invoice” menu icon.

1. Invoice Section : Header #

In the Invoice Section Header you can perform 3 actions:

      • Invoice Tab (selected by default), will list all the invoices you have created with dedicated status, name, partner and other values.
      • Recurring Invoice Tab, will list all created plans for recurring invoices.
      • “Add New” button in the Top right corner, will provide you with options to created a new invoice or created a new recurring invoice plan.
      • “Options” button in the top right corner, will provide mass functions such as “Mark as paid” (status change), “Mark as cancelled” (status change), Delete, or mass export to PDF selected invoices. (This button will appear only after checking the checkbox on the left of invoices – first column in the data table)

2. Invoice Section : Filters  #

 Invoice Section Filters are divided in 2 sections:

      • Standard filters (by default)
        • Main search field provide you with the ability to filter your invoices by the partner’s name, Invoice No, partner PIN, Purchase order number.
        • The “Additional Filters” button extends the filters section to more advanced filter options.
        • The “Reset” button will reset all input filter parameters.
      • Advance filters section
        • “Invoice Items” field provides you with option to filter invoices by the item name.
        • “Amount Range” field provides you with option to filter invoices by the amount range.
        • “Date Range” field provides you with option to filter invoices by a date range.
        • “Status” field provides you with option to filter invoices by the invoice status.

3. Invoice Section : Invoices  #

In the main Invoices Section is a data table divided by multiples columns:

From Top to Bottom

      • Column headers provide ability to order data in ascending or descending order by the data in the selected column.
      • Main data table section lists all invoices created with data such as invoice name, description, partner’s name, issued date, status, total amount, a checkbox for mass functions and a button to delete selected invoice.
      • Each invoice can be opened by clicking on the invoice number.
      • The pagination provides ability to choose number of invoices which will be displayed on the page and select the desired page.


For more information you can open a new ticket at

Or contact us with the contact form.